Tuesday, September 28, 2010

4 month stats

Jack had his 4 month appointment yesterday. He is doing great! More of the vaccines are combined than when Hannah was his age. He only got 1 oral vaccine and 2 shots and barely even cried. I don't know if it was the Dtap vaccine or what, but last night around dinner time he started to get fussy. At bedtime, he screamed after I fed him and laid him down. When I picked him up, he projectile spit-up a few times. I walked and walked him, and he finally fell asleep. I could tell he did not feel well, though, as he scrunched up and tossed side to side after I laid him down. He did sleep through the night and was back to his normal, happy self today.

Jack's stats:
Weight: 14 lbs. 4 1/2 oz. (40th percentile)
Length: 25 1/4" (60th percentile)
Head Circ: 16 1/2" (45th percentile)

ArtPrize 2010

We headed downtown right after church last weekend to check out ArtPrize. It was a perfect day to walk around and check out the exhibits. There was so much to check out. I was busier looking at all of the displays than snapping pictures, but I did get a few.

A giant greeting card

We were surprised at how much Hannah got into it. Even though we had the double stroller, she walked nearly the whole time. A lot of the displays were hands-on, so she really had fun looking and feeling. It really was a fun family experience. The lion above was made of nails. No, they weren't sharp!

A giant nest. Hannah wanted to stay until the giant bird returned. We told her that it was afraid to come back until all of the people were gone!

This was one of Hannah's favorites - man or statue? A little of both.

This was called "Play Me, I'm Yours". There are 20 decorated pianos places all over downtown for people to sit and play. Kind of fun.

This was one of my favorites - a picture of downtown made of a bunch of little plastic beads on display at the Ford Museum. Very neat. One of the neat things about ArtPrize is that anybody can vote for their favorites. There are so many more pieces that we didn't get to see. This week, the top 10 pieces will be announced. I'm hoping that we'll be able to get back next weekend to check out some more.

On our way back, Hannah insisted that we stop and take a picture. She's so hard to get pictures of these days that I was quick to oblige.

What a ham!

Klackle Orchard

Fall was definitely in the air this past Saturday with cooler temps and gray skies. We thought it was a perfect opportunity to finally take a family trip up to Klackle Orchard in Greenville. We pass it every time we visit my parents but have never stopped. Wow, we've been missing out!

The donuts - Oh my gosh!! Sooooo good!!! I can't decide if my favorite was the pumpkin with cream cheese frosting or the caramel apple donut with caramel frosting. Yum!!

Aside from the orchard store, they have a quite a play area with a lot of different rides and activities for little ones. It was perfect for Hannah. As soon as we got there, all she could talk about was riding they neigh neigh.

We didn't believe she'd actually ride a horse, as she always chickens out when it comes to petting them, but she got right on and rode for quite awhile.

Of course, we had to take the wagon ride out to the orchard to pick some apples. They were HUGE! A lot of them were hanging quite low, so Hannah was able to do most of the picking herself.

Hannah was quite proud of her loot.

This was actually the first time that Jason or I had ever actually picked our own apples. We've always just bought the bagged apples from the orchard store, but now that we know how easy it is, we may just do some of our own picking in the future.

The day was actually quite chilly, so after our first apple stop, I stayed on the wagon snuggling with Jack.

The wagon ride put Jack right to sleep. Snug as a bug :-)

Once we got back, Hannah had big ambitions of going through some of the inflattables but she only made it as far as the entrance.

Hannah's absolute favorite activity of the day was the riding in the barrel train. We thought she might be a little afraid to ride by herself, but she didn't even give us a second glance once she had the steering wheel in her hand.

She had a huge grin on her face the whole ride! She was a crazy woman with the steering wheel, spinning it the entire time. She said she drives like Daddy :-)

After her ride, she worked up an appetite so she found a nice spot and ate another half of a donut.

Hannah and Jason also had fun playing in the mini school bus.

Klackle Orchard 2010 - two feet tall? I think we'll be making this a family tradition.

4 Months Old

Jack is now 4 months old, and our little guy is growing like a weed! Here's what he's up to:

*He is such a flirt! He loves to talk and coo with anybody who will give him some attention, especially the ladies :-)

*He thinks getting dressed and undressed is pretty funny. He laughs every time we take off or pull his shirts over his head.

*He rolled over a couple of days ago! I laid him on his tummy and walked away for a second. When I came back he was on his back!

*He is a strong guy. He holds his head up really well and has great head control. He loves to sit up in his bumbo seat.

*He eats about 6 times a day and gets 3 pretty regular naps. He goes to bed around 7:30 with a dream feed about 10 and sleeps until 6 or 7 the next morning.

*He loves Hannah. He gets the biggest smile and laughs when she talks and plays with him.

*He prefers to sleep on his side (or tummy if I let him).

*He chomps and his hands or anything else he can get a hold of and is a drool machine!

We just can't get over what a smiley, happy baby he is. Of course, he has his moments, but for the most part he really is a jolly guy. It's funny b/c with Hannah we were so excited for her to reach her next milestones. With Jack, we're happy when he reaches them but we're in no hurry for him to reach them this time around. It goes by so fast that we're really trying to just soak up every moment we have at this age. He's such a blessing!

Monday, September 27, 2010


Jack is starting to outgrow his bouncer, so we gave the exersaucer a try. He loves to be upright and was very enthralled by all of the gadgets.

Trying to figure it out.

Of course, Hannah had to show Jack how to use it (after she climbed out of it!).

I think it's a winner!

Boat Ride

Since everybody left fairly early after Jack's baptism party, we packed up the kids and tood the boat over to Reed's Lake for an early evening spin.

Hannah caught a quick nap on the way there.

Jason is so happy that Hannah loves boat rides as much as he does!

The boating buddies heading out.

Jack and I relaxed in the park while they were out on the water. Unfortunately, sprinkles brought the boaters back early. That probably worked out for the best, as Hannah's quick nap just wasn't enough after such a big day. She was kind of a wreck on the way home. Needless to say, she crashed as soon as her head hit the mattress.

Monday, September 20, 2010


This weekend we celebrated Jack's baptism with our family and church family at Remembrance Church. Pastor Todd Schmidt performed the ceremony, and he did a very nice job. Jack did great. He was awake and alert the whole time, but he never let out a peep. Jason held him through the rest of the service, and Jack paid very close attention to Pastor Steve as he began the sermon. Shortly thereafter, he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep :-)

This is the only picture that we got with all 3 of us. We were planning to take Hannah up with us as well, but she wanted to stay with Papa instead. Rather than battle a wiggly toddler, we let her stay with our family instead. We were very thankful to have both sets of parents, my brother, sister-in-law and niece, and Jason's grandpa in attendance. Our families are such a support to us and our family, and we're very grateful for the Christian influence they have had, and will continue to have, in our children's lives.

After church, we had everybody back to our house for a taco bar. In theory it was going to be easy, but as always, it ended up being a lot of work. The whole afternoon was a whirlwind. We never even got a family picture together. I suppose that's pretty typical when playing the hostess for a party.

Our little man was content just hanging out in his bumbo seat while everybody had lunch.

Of course, the focus of the day - we pray for all of God's blessings on Jack as he grows.

Guess where we went

After my last post, Hannah made me eat my words. We had to make good on our promise and take Hannah to the park last Friday because she finally went potty! In fact, she went 5 times!! Each time was her idea. She'd take off her diaper, pull her pants down, and go. Of course, I made a HUGE deal of it b/c I was soooo excited!! She got to pick out a butterfly sticker after each time she went, and when she collected 5 stickers we had to take her to the park as promised.

We tride out a park along the river near downtown and had the place all to ourselves.

She LOVED it!

Our little dare devil. She's not afraid to try anything.

One of the many trips down the slide.

After playing for a little while, we took a walk down the riverwalk and stopped to play on one of the sculptures in the park.

Getting a great view from Daddy's shoulders.

After the park, we continued our celebration by going to Vitales to get pizza for dinner. Between a very antsy little girl and a tired little boy, it was anything but a nice, relaxing dinner. However, Hannah loved the pizza, and I think she was very happy with her reward.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Movie Night

Today was a rainy, dreary day. I knew it was going to be a long one, too, since Jason was going to be at work all night. To break the day up, I took the kids down to the Carters outlet to pick up an outfit for Jack's baptism (and get a few other things, too!). Since it was still dark and damp outside when we got back, we made it a special movie night. I swung through McDonalds on our way home from Holland, so Hannah had her cheeseburger for dinner, and as an extra special treat, I let her eat it in front of the tv! I brought her chair downstairs and set her all up.

Drink - check. Apples - check. Cheeseburger - check.

Tonight's Feature: Toy Story

30 months old

Hannah is officially 2 1/2 years old now. She seems to be growing up right before my eyes. I can't believe how time flies. Here's what she's up to these days:

*She is now wearing 2T pants, 2T and 3T tops, and size 8 shoes.

*She is working on potty training. Well, I'm working on potty training her, more like it. So far, she hasn't shown very serious interest, but we ask her if she wants to sit on it as soon as she wakes up in the morning and from her nap and continue to ask her all day long. Sometimes she does take her diaper off and sit on it. Then something will distract her and off she'll go, bare butt with her pants around her ankles. Other times, there's absolutely no interest. We have promised her a trip to the park when she actually goes. We may be visiting the park in the snow!

*She catches everything we say and we find we often times have an echo. She also likes to relay messages between Jason and I, even when we're right next to each other.

*She has learned how to turn on and put DVD's into our player. I'm not sure if this is good or bad...

*Although she does wear her shoes much more now, she usually takes them off in the car and then tells me that she's going to walk into the house barefoot.

*She is great at buckling anything. Quite often, I go to put Jack in his bouncer, swing, or carseat, only to find that they are already buckled. She also climbs into her high chair seat and carseat and buckles herself in.

*She still eats breakfast and dinner in her high chair seat at our table just b/c we haven't gotten around to getting a booster seat, but I do let her eat lunch with me at our table. She does really well and is actually much less messy when eating there.

*She still loves to dip her food into "kepitch" (ketchup) or have "shirbah" (syrup) on her pancakes in the morning.

*She and Jack both go down for bed right around the same time, between 7:30 and 8:00. It had been getting pushed back a bit this summer, but now that it's getting dark we're getting back on track. She regularly sleeps until about 8:30 in the morning. I think it's safe to say that she (nor I!) miss getting up to go to the babysitter's at 6:00 in the morning!

She just makes us laugh every day. I really do love to listen to her talk. She uses such expression, and we can pretty well understand everything she says. She brings our family so much joy!

I can't believe how old she looks here (Believe it or not, her hair was actually done in pigtails earlier in the day.)

She's a great big sister, too!