Sunday, February 24, 2008

5 weeks and counting..

I am definitely happy to be in the last stretch - 35 weeks this week. It seems like my belly has gotten huge overnight. I realized this morning that I can no longer see my feet looking straight down. They're just gone. Needless to say, slip on shoes have become my lifeline. Although, since it's been an incredibly snowy winter, I am still wearing my old WMU boots back and forth to work. Yes, Jaime, I still have them! Looking back, I have had them now for 10 years! They've done me well, but I one of these days I may just have to break down and buy a new pair. Maybe next year...

It was so nice to see the sun this weekend. One of my favorite spots in our house is the floor in front of our sliding glass door. When the sun shines, it warms that spot right up, so I decided to take advantage of it and take a nap there this afternoon. This just so happens to be the dog's favorite place to take a nap, too, so we compromised and napped together. I've been on Jason to get him a pillow, but he thinks he doesn't need one. Well, JJ apparently thinks otherwise. Since I was in his territory (the floor), he decided it was only fair that I share my pillow with him. So, yes, we napped together on the floor, sharing the same small pillow. It was lovely.

Jason's parents came out for a short time this weekend, too (Friday night and Saturday). The nice weather made it so much better for running around town. Mary and I got dropped off to shop at a couple of stores in town, and then we did some shopping at Babies 'R Us for Jason's cousin, who is expecting a little boy a couple weeks after us. That place certainly can be overwhelming! We also checked out a new place to eat downtown - Hop Cat. They specialize in all kinds of specialty draft beers, both from around the state and the world. It was great! No, of course I didn't sample any drafts, but just the atmosphere was very impressive. Kind of a pub style but best of all - non-smoking on the main floor! We all really enjoyed it.

Nothing too eventful with my pregnancy. I didn't feel very well last week, but I think it was just a mild bug of some sort. I'm feeling much better now, except for the discomfort that comes along with the last few weeks. The baby is right up to my ribs now, so it's a bit more difficult to take deep breaths. As I was on the praise team this morning at church, this made it a bit of a challenge to sing. Overall, though, I really can't complain. It won't be long now and we'll be into March. Hopefully we'll be having a new March birthday and not an April fools!

35 weeks

Monday, February 11, 2008

We have a nursery!

This weekend, my parents came over with their van, which served as a dual delivery service. They brought our cradle with them from Frankenmuth. They also brought my grandma's rocking chair, which my grandma so graciously let us borrow. This is the same rocking chair that she used to rock my mom in as a baby, so it's very special to be using it to rock our baby.

Jason and my dad also picked up our our crib and dresser/changing table for the nursery. My dad was such a big help! He made 2 trips to the furniture store for us b/c both pieces of furniture would not fit into the van at the same time. We really appreciated all of their help. We absolutely love the furniture, except that there's a defect with the front side of the crib, so it's going to be replaced next week. I think with the furniture in place, we pretty much have all of the big things taken care of for the baby's arrival. Now, all we need is a baby, which will be here before we know it!

My parents ended up leaving on Saturday afternoon due to the weather forecast. It was a good thing they did. The weather was absolutely terrible on Sunday - very windy, lake effect snow, zero visibility, and -25 degree wind chills. Jason and I braved it out to our church's early service, but they ended up cancelling Sunday school and 2nd service, along with nearly every other church in the area. Needless to say, we stayed in the rest of the day. We are definitely ready for spring!

Putting together the nursery (mostly Jason)

The nearly finished nursery - just waiting for baby
to add boy or girl finishing touches

The crib (Yes, next to the piano. Can't start them
too young :-)

33 weeks - 7 more to go!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Davis baby shower

Being the guest of honor at my baby showers, I didn't have time to take any pictures. Thankfully, family and friends have been kind enough to take pics and send them to me to add to my baby book. Although these are a little late, I thought I'd share some pics I just received from the baby shower that Jason's family threw for me.

Jason's mom and me with Jason's baby tree

Jason's Grandma Ocedek, Mom, and me

My mom and me

The whole gang

Sunday, February 3, 2008

We had good intentions of picking up our baby furniture this weekend, but thankfully Jason called the furniture store to get the dimensions first. We discovered that due to the sloping window in the back of the Aztek, we wouldn't be able to fit it in. So, the furniture pickup has been put on hold until my parents come to visit with their van in the next few weeks.

One of the things I wanted to do was to make better use of the closet, so rather than pick up our furniture as planned, we picked up a storage cube with some drawers. Jason had some "help" assembling it this afternoon. As always, JJ had to be in the middle of the action.

Closet before
Closet after
I feel so much better having someplace to start putting things away. Little by little, I'm feeling more prepared to bring this baby home.
The auto show (small scale version of the Detroit show) was in town this weekend, so we decided that since our weekends of being 2 are numbered, we'd go out and make it a date. We're really going to try to make it a priority to have a semi-regular date night after the baby comes, maybe not at first, but eventually. Although we are obviously totally excited about JackHannah, it's wonderful just to reconnect in non-baby areas of our lives as well.
The pregnancy is still going really well, although experiencing some of the typical 3rd trimester discomforts (achy back, tired, etc.). I really have been blessed with a great pregnancy experience and a wonderful husband who takes such great care of me. He's going to be an amazing dad!