Thursday, August 23, 2007

Belly pic

Since I'm now a little over 8 weeks along, I thought this would be a good time to do a baseline belly shot to remember how I looked before my stomach really started to grow.

Don't worry, I'll take the belly ring out eventually. It's strange. Sometimes my stomach will feel like I've done a really hard ab workout b/c the muscles will feel sore. Trust me, though, I haven't done a single sit-up in close to 2 months! Must be another weird pregnancy thing. Will my body ever feel "normal" again???

So far, I feel like I've been doing pretty well. I didn't think that I have been too terribly hormonal (although Jason may beg to differ). However, last night I had my first breakdown. I felt fine all night, but when we went to bed I just started to cry. I had no idea why. I just felt like it. Where did this come from??? I DON'T CRY!! Poor Jason - he had no idea what was going on. I think he realizes that there is no use trying to come up with a logical explanation, so he just goes with it. Thank goodness for a patient husband!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Welcome to our baby blog

Since so many of our family and friends live outside of the Grand Rapis area, and rather than try to keep everybody informed individually, I thought it would be fun to keep a blog of the things that we're experiencing through our pregnancy. I can't guarantee that every post will be interesting to everybody, nor can I promise that every detail will get recorded, but I'll do my best.

Since our due date was a little unsure, we got to have an ultrasound to determine the due date. Obviously, we were both totally excited about this (ok, probably me a little bit more than Jason, but he really was excited, too). However, the only time they could schedule the ultrasound was on Jason's last day of work at Jedco. I was a little unsure if he'd be able to get the time off, but he ended up putting in a personal day and getting the afternoon off (what were they going to do, fire him?). So, yay, we would both get to see our baby together for the first time! Little did we know that there would be a major accident on I-196 and he would get stuck in traffic on his way to the appointment :-( Sometimes things just don't work out.

I did get to see our baby on screen, though. Actually, I wouldn't have been able to tell there was a baby there at all if the nurse hadn't pointed out that the jelly bean on the screen was the baby. Plus, if you looked really closely, you could indeed see a little heart beating. It was absolutely incredible!

Baby at 6 weeks - yup, the jelly bean shape in the corner

According to the u/s, it looks like we should be expecting our little one around 3/31/08.

Since we're not going to find out if it's a boy or a girl, we decided it would be ok to share our baby names with everybody. If the baby is a girl, we'll name her Hannah Lynn. We heard the name Hannah in church (the mother of Samuel in the Bible) and Lynn is after my Aunt Lynn. If we have a boy, he will be Jack Owen after our grandfathers (2 grandpa's named Jack and one with a middle name of Owen). Hence, our blog name JackHannah08 - not in any relation to the zoo guy on tv!