Thursday, January 27, 2011

8 Months Old

These past eight months have flown by! Here's what our little guy is up to:

*He is moving everywhere. He's regularly up on his knees, rocking back and forth, and just yesterday I saw forward movement for the first time. Looks like we'll be getting the gate back out very soon.

*He babbles all the time. We hear lots of da-da-da and ya-ya.

*He gets very upset if we take things away from him, like his bottle or toys.

*He got his first tooth!

*He loves puffs! As soon as we put one on his tray, he snatches it right up. Sometimes they even make it to his mouth! If they do get into his mouth, he has a tendency to let them roll around in his mouth for quite awhile.

*Speaking of eating, I continue to make a lot of his baby food. What I don't make, he gets Earth's Best baby food. He really likes peas, applesauce, and bananas. He's not so crazy about green beans and spinach. He wants to take charge when he eats. He likes to grab the spoon and put it in his mouth. I think he ends up wearing more of it than gets in his mouth.

*He's not pulling himself up yet, but he stands supported pretty well when you put him on his feet.

*JJ is his best buddy. I don't know that JJ feels the same way, but he tolerates all the tugging very well.

Such a blessing!

Play pen

Jack is moving so much these days, so when I was folding laundry, I needed a way to keep him contained. This worked great!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tired guy




34 months old

Wow, only 2 more months, and we will have a 3-year old in the house. Here's what Little Miss is up to:

*From the previous post, she is now officially sleeping in a toddler bed. We're on night 2 and hoping for another successful night.

*Mary Poppins is now her favorite movie. Every day, we hear lots of "Let's go fly a kite. Up to the high-a kite."

*She is potty trained!!! In fact, she goes into the bathroom and closes the door to go all by herself. We still have her wear a diaper at night, but that is the only time she wears a diaper.

*She has gotten the hang of "sliding" down the hill behind our house and even goes down by herself.

*She insists on helping me pack Jason's lunch every night. I take advantage of it and have her get me lids and misc. items out of the fridge. One day, as a special treat, she sent all of her "tickets" (about 30 expired coupons that I'd given her) in his lunch sack as well :-)

*She is so much less messy when she eats! She still requires clean-up, but is much, much better at getting food into her mouth since we moved her to the table.

*She still goes down for "quiet time" every afternoon, but she only sleeps about half the time these days. The days that she doesn't sleep are anything but quiet. I hear everything from the ABC Song to My Favorite Things. Amazingly, Jack manages to fall asleep for his nap anyway.

*She calls our meals breakfast, lunch, and dinner but doesn't always use them in reference to the right times. She often calls lunch dinner or breakfast lunch.

*She and Jason read a devotion and say prayers together every night.

Big Girl Bed

We've had Hannah in her crib and figured we'd leave it that way as long as she wasn't trying to climb out. Well... for the past few weeks, she's been regularly climbing out of and into her crib. Since her bed is convertible, we just took the front of it off to turn it into a toddler bed (their room isn't big enough to fully convert it). However, we made sure to make a big deal of her "new" big girl bed.

She was very excited to try out her bed.

Getting all tucked in. I was afraid she might fall out, as she sleeps right on the edge of the side we took off. This morning, I was happy to see her clinging to the edge of her bed, sound asleep.

Here's a glimpse of her reaction to the big girl bed:

Ice Skate-nin

Jason took Hannah ice skating for the first time this weekend at the rink downtown. For only being 2, I think she did pretty well. I didn't think she'd even be able to stand, but she could not only stand but she could walk in them as well.

Making their way to the rink.

Once on the ice, she had a little bit harder time staying on 2 feet.

Getting some help from Daddy.

After one full time around the rink, it was back to the warming house.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Jack's turn

Since the sun was shining, we bundled up and headed outside after lunch today.

Jack was excited to go outside in the snow for the first time ever!

Can't imagine why Jack wasn't such a fan of the sled?? (Yes, I stood right beside him as she pulled, and no, she did not pull him very far.)

Hannah wanted to go visit the ducks, so we got out the stroller and took a walk to the frozen pond. I explained to her that like old people, they go to Florida in the winter, too :-)

Messy boy

Spinach and potatoes - yum!


During Jack's nap last week, Hannah and I ventured outside to play in the snow.

Daddy taught her how to make snow angels.

Clearing the driveway (yes, that's a broom).

Taste-testing the snow. She said it was "delicious" (her new word from Mary Poppins).

Union break

Spinning out on her 4-wheeler.

And of course, we finished with hot-hot-hot hot chocolate!

Look really close

We have a tooth! It popped through on the bottom last Thursday, January 6. Really no fussiness but lots and lots of drooling.
