Sunday, February 17, 2013

Misc. January pics

Snuggly siblings

Pajama day at preschool

Hannah and Kara's own little table at cousin Emily's baby shower.

Insanity month 1 complete for mama!
Checking out coins at the Public Museum.

I spy two little bugs.

Date night at home.  Love!

Watching Daddy blow out the driveway.

Tea parties are for girls AND boys.

Another great workout!

A treat at Panera after going to the Lollipop concert of Hansel and Gretel by the GR Symphony with Hannah's preschool class.  (We never did figure out what happened to her forehead.)

Poor little guy crashed.

Date night!

Sticker boy, courtesy of his sister.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Little Mermaid

Kind of on short-notice a couple of girlfriends and I were able to take our girls to the local youth theater production of The Little Mermaid.
Before the show, we attended a character tea party, complete with juice boxes, fruit snacks, and a meet-and-greet with the cast.

It took awhile, but Hannah finally warmed up and got her picture with Ariel.

Hannah and her friend Claire with one of the sailors.

The girls all ready for the show.  It was very nicely done.  The cast was anywhere from about 3rd grade up through high school.  The girl who played Ariel did an amazing job.  We'd love to go to another production in the future.

After the show, Hannah and I had a girls' dinner out.  I let her pick, which she chose Panera, a girl after my own heart!

Story Time

Since Hannah started preschool, Jack and I hit the library most every Wednesday. Originally it was because there was story time on Wednesday mornings.  However, he is in love with the Thomas train table there, so we usually spend all morning playing trains instead.
Hannah had 2 full weeks off from school over Christmas, so we all made it to the library on a Wednesday morning.  Since Hannah was along, Jack reluctantly went to story time with her.  Once we were there a few minutes, he loved it!  He sat so nicely for the stories and did everything the teacher asked them to do.  I was so proud of my big boy!

We have gone back once since, but Thomas still seems to win out most days.  Boys and their trains!

Ice Skating

Shortly after Christmas we attempted to take the kids ice skating at Rosa Parks Circle downtown.
This pretty much sums up the night.

Jason had twisted his ankle while on a run the day before, so he was pretty much stuck in one spot.  That was perfectly fine with Jack.

Hannah and I made it twice around before we gave up.  Between her having been sick a few days before, Jason's bad ankle, and cold temps we decided we'd try again another day.


Christmas Day
Santa paid a visit and left each of the kids 1 big present and filled their stockings.

Hannah was a very happy little girl with her new doll house.

Jack's train table was a big hit.

Each of the kids got 3 presents from Mama and Daddy just like Jesus got 3 presents from the wise men.

A new coat.

In the early afternoon, Grandma and Grandpa Cramer joined us  for dinner.
All of the activity, and a little stomach bug, got the best of Jack, and he crashed on Grandpa's lap that night.

Christmas Eve

  Christmas Eve was spent at home again this year.  Once again, Grandma and Grandpa Davis and Great-Grandpa Ocedek were able to come over and celebrate with us as well.
 All ready for church.

The Sunday school kids led a few songs at the beginning of the service.

Hannah with her friends Alaina and Jake.
The Davis clan.

Preschool Christmas party

Hannah's class had a Christmas party the last day before Christmas break.  Jack and I had fun joining in.
The class sang Christmas carols.

Eyeing the cookies.

They each decorated their own.

They played a game like hot potato with a Christmas present, and Hannah was the lucky winner.

Because she won, she got to hand out the class Christmas presents.

Saying prayers before snack.

Gobbling them all up.

Cramer Christmas

A couple of weekends before Christmas we celebrated the holiday with the Cramer side.
Visiting Great-Grandma and Grandpa Cramer (yes, all of the pictures we took involved nose picking!)

Wouldn't be Christmas without Beer Nuts.

How cute is cousin Oliver!?!


Barbies were a HUGE hit!


And of course lots of fun stuff in the stockings.  Very fun!

Elf on the Shelf

After quite an ordeal of getting our elf, Sprinkle became a part of our family in early December.  We had fun finding her every morning and discovering what kind of trouble she may have been up to while we were asleep.