Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Random Things

The fall schedule has started back up, and we are busy.  We really debated on putting Hannah in 3-year old preschool this year, but now that our year is going, I don't know how we would have fit it in!
Hannah started her first real gymnastics class on Mondays.  Is it just me or does she look older here??

Walking the beam with Miss Christy. 

There are 5 other 3 and 4-year olds in her class.  Notice by week 2 I had gotten her a leotard.  Parental peer pressure!

We've been having tea parties at home.  Of course, we drink tea the proper way with the pinky pointed out.  Even Daddy gets talked into tea parties once in awhile.

First day of MOPS.  (Not sure what's up with the cheesy smile.)  We decided to go back to MOPS again this year.  I am so happy, and Hannah loves it.  I wish Jack loved it quite as much.  I'm really hoping that I don't get paged to get him from nursery every week.

Last weekend, Jason and I went to our good friend's surprise 30th birthday party.  We can both honestly say it was the BEST. PARTY. EVER!  Soooo much fun.  We're very thankful to have such great friends.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Little Boaters

A bit behind in the blogging for the month.  It's taken a bit of adjusting getting back into our fall routine.  A couple of weekends ago, we took advantage of the warm weather and headed out for a family boat ride. 
Safety first!

The good life.

Little Miss.

The Skipper and Gilligan (you decide which is which).

Wrapping it all up with ice cream at Jersey Junction.

Monday, September 26, 2011

16 Month Check-Up

Jack had his 16 month appointment today, and he is doing great!  Only bummer about the appointment were his 4 shots :-(  He took them really well, all things considered, and the crying stopped after only a few minutes.  Here are the stats on our growing boy:

Weight:  22lbs. 4 oz. (15%)
Height:  30 1/2" (25%)
Head Circ:  18 3/4" (55%)

16 Months Old

Jack is now 16 months old.  Here's what he's up to these days:

*He jabbers quite a bit.  His favorite word is dog.  I also catch him putting toys, bowls, etc. over his face and talking to himself inside of them.  He must like to hear himself talk :-)

*He is fearless.  He is constantly on the move and climbing onto anything.

*He loves to play the piano.

*He wears mostly size 12 month pants and 18 month tops.

*He's down to 1 afternoon nap a day.

*He has gotten pickier with food.  He won't eat anything green.  Even if I disguise it, he finds it and picks it out.

*He continues to be our early riser, waking up between 7:00 and 7:30, but he's good about hanging out in bed until I come and get them.

*He's becoming a big helper around the house.  I had Hannah's dress drying over our banister upstairs when he pulled it off and put it away in a bin in her bedroom!

*He loves to play in their kitchen.

*He can show us his feet, belly, eyes, mouth, and nose.

*He's starting to eat on his own with a spoon.  I just have to get over my OCD about the mess!

*He likes to pull things out and put them away again.

*He will bring us our shoes when it is time to go, and for the most part, he gets the right shoes to the right people.

*He continues to be our happy, fun-loving guy, however, he has thrown quite a tantrum or two when he doesn't get his way.

We are so blessed by this little guy!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

End of Summer

As is tradition, we headed up north for one last weekend of summer Labor Day weekend.
Hannah and Kara got in one last swim.

Collecting stones.

Jason got Todd up skiing on his boat's maiden voyage on Higgins Lake.

Of course, Papa and the grandkids had to get in a golf cart ride.

Saturday night, we headed to Lewiston.

On Monday, we all took a road trip to Charlevoix for the day.

It was a low-key day, just strolling and shopping.

Life is good!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

"New" Boat

1963 Correct Craft