Monday, September 26, 2011

16 Months Old

Jack is now 16 months old.  Here's what he's up to these days:

*He jabbers quite a bit.  His favorite word is dog.  I also catch him putting toys, bowls, etc. over his face and talking to himself inside of them.  He must like to hear himself talk :-)

*He is fearless.  He is constantly on the move and climbing onto anything.

*He loves to play the piano.

*He wears mostly size 12 month pants and 18 month tops.

*He's down to 1 afternoon nap a day.

*He has gotten pickier with food.  He won't eat anything green.  Even if I disguise it, he finds it and picks it out.

*He continues to be our early riser, waking up between 7:00 and 7:30, but he's good about hanging out in bed until I come and get them.

*He's becoming a big helper around the house.  I had Hannah's dress drying over our banister upstairs when he pulled it off and put it away in a bin in her bedroom!

*He loves to play in their kitchen.

*He can show us his feet, belly, eyes, mouth, and nose.

*He's starting to eat on his own with a spoon.  I just have to get over my OCD about the mess!

*He likes to pull things out and put them away again.

*He will bring us our shoes when it is time to go, and for the most part, he gets the right shoes to the right people.

*He continues to be our happy, fun-loving guy, however, he has thrown quite a tantrum or two when he doesn't get his way.

We are so blessed by this little guy!

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