Saturday, October 27, 2012

29 Months

Jack is 29 months old.  Here's what he's up to:
*He is now my shopping buddy while Hannah's at school, but he hates to sit in the seat of the grocery cart.  I've let him ride on the end of the cart once until he kept hopping off mid-ride and getting hit by the cart.  Now I bribe him to sit in the seat with a cookie from the bakery (free for kids at Meijer!)
*He loves to paint and color (clothes optional). 
*Speaking of clothes optional, I have found him naked more than once now that he can undress himself. 
*We have been so blessed to have borrowed almost all of Jack's clothes from good friends of ours.  Whenever Jack puts anything on, he is very proud to tell us several times that it's Jake's.  Hope he continues to think hand-me-downs are so cool as he gets older!
*He likes to try to get himself dressed.  The whole process takes quite awhile, so I have to remember to give him LOTS of time to do it before we have to leave.  Quite often a shirt or pants will end up on backwards, but they're on.
*His favorite cartoons are Curious George and Caillou.
*He has very little interest in potty training.  I think after Halloween we're going to start with the candy bribes to see if that sparks some interest.
*He continues to love hats.  He even asks for his hat when we leave the house.  I think this will be a blessing this winter. 
*Some of his trains have a hitch on them to hook up with their train cars.  Jack has started pointing them out and saying boat.  For awhile we thought he was referring to the train as a boat, but we figured out that he's referring to the hitch and that it's used to pull a boat, just like our car pulls Daddy's boat!