Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I was going to take the kids to the zoo last week, but when we got there Hannah decided she'd rather go to the park.  Since the park near the zoo is geared toward kids bigger than Jack, we made a detour to nearby to Millennium Park that has play areas for little and bigger kids.
Hannah had as much fun as Jack on the little kids playground.

I have to make a side note about the dress in this picture.  This is her "birthday" dress and she wears it every.single.day.  No joke.  It's also not uncommon for her to strip down at the end of the day only to discover multiple layers of clothes on underneath like her leotard, shorts, and a t-shirt.  No wonder I have a mountain of laundry!

Big sister "helping" brother down the slide.

Jack conquers the playground.

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