April was a crazy month around our house. I think we were gone more than we were home. Between traveling to visit family, painting, an unexpected hospital visit, new carpet installation, a garage sale, and work the month totally flew by. Now that we're into May we are finally catching our breath with a mostly open calendar. All while this was happening, Jack somehow turned 23 months old. Our little guy just keeps on growing! Here's what he's up to:
*He's started singing the Alphabet Song except none of the letters are distinguishable. He's definitely got the tune down, though.
*He is very musical. He loves to play both on his toy and our real piano, sing into his microphones, and bounce and dance to music on the radio.
*He has no problem telling us when he's hungry. It's pretty common for him to tell us "nack" and pull us over to his chair to get something to eat.
*He did have his first overnight hospital visit this month :-( Hopefully that's something that we won't have to repeat.
*He identifies Jesus in his Bible and those are some of his favorite stories.
*He continues to be our kid who doesn't need much sleep. Although we get both kids to bed between 7:30-8:00, he typically doesn't fall asleep until awhile after. He's usually the first one of the two up as well, waking around 7:30 or 8. However, he does still require an afternoon nap. If he misses his nap, we have a monster on our hands by dinner time.
*He has started calling "Mom" when he wants something. Not sure where this came from, but I want "mama" back!
*He is very into choo choo's.
*He loves to draw and color. Today in church he sat between Jason and I and very intently scribbled the pictures in the children's bulletin. Sometimes I think he has more patience for this than Hannah!
*He loves to wear hats. It's very common to see him wearing a hat any time of the day. No preference to whose hat - Hannah's, Jason's or his own. Makes it easy for keeping his head protected from the sun!