Thursday, July 15, 2010

28 Months Old

Yet another month has flown by. Here's what she's up to:
*She is a good little mama to ger baby doll. She puts her in her baby doll carrier and sets it in her grocery cart, not forgetting her purse of course, to take her to the store. She also "feeds" her just like I feed Jack. She lifts up her shirt and holds her baby up to her belly button to eat. Of course she burps her over her shoulder, says "other side" and then continues to feed her on the other side :-)

*She now shares her bedroom with Jack at night, although I'm not sure she knows it, as we put him to bed after she's asleep and get him up before she wakes in the morning.

*She regularly tells us "see ya", "get it", and "come on!"

*She loves church nursery. Whenever we take the road our church is on, she starts talking about "nuh-sy" and gets very upset if she doesn't actually go there.

*She has learned to help herself to the fridgerator. Most of the time I catch her, but I have found packages of shredded cheese or cheese slices in her play kitchen more than once.

*Every morning, this is our conversation:

Hannah: Where go Daddy?

Me: Where do you think?

Hannah: Work.

Me: Yes. What's he doing at work?

Hannah: Hannah money. Mama money.

Smart girl :-)

*She says "I wuv oo Jack"

*She LOVES to sing! Lately it's been "Happy birthday Daddy" and "Christmas comes to town" from tthe Polar Express.

Here she is singing "Christmas Comes to Town". I obviously had no idea what she was singing at the time but have since figured it out.

*Speaking of, she is OBSESSED with the Polar Express. She would watch it all day long if we let her. She regularly talks about Ho Ho's (Santa's) choo choo and the girl who got in trouble for losing her ticket.

She is just such a busy little girl these days, and I wouldn't change a single thing!

1 comment:

Tina said...

She's just the cutest little critter I've ever seen!