Tuesday, March 16, 2010

2 years old

I am just amazed at how quickly the last 2 years have flown by. Hannah has brought more joy into our lives than we could have imagined. It's so much fun to see her grow and change. Here's what she's up to these days:

*She's a great helper with putting groceries away in the cupboard and refrigerator.

*She LOVES milk and asks for it regularly.

*She's growing and now just starting to wear some 2T clothes.

*She loves going to the nursery at church and will talk about it the whole way to church.

*She's so much better at communicating with us these days. She'll either tell us what she wants, point at what she wants, or take our hand and show us what she wants. If you ask a question that she doesn't have an answer to, she says "um..." She says her name (sounds like "Hah-nah"), but if you ask her what her name is, she'll say "me". She's also getting very good at saying "please" and "thank you".

*She loves us to play with her toys and will commonly tell us "'come on" as we get ready to play.

*She's really starting to get into animals. This morning during breakfast, she was quick to point out the bird that landed on our deck by saying "tweat, tweat". She's great at making all of the animal noises and identifying animals in books. I think the zoo will be a big hit this summer.

*She's likes to have my total attention when she has something important to tell me, so she'll crawl into my lap and hold my face in her hands and ramble on very seriously. Unfortunately, I have no idea what she's saying but she always seems satisified with my response of encouragement.

*We don't watch a lot of tv since our only tv is downstairs, but lately if she goes downtstairs with us to do chores, she'll grab the remote and ask to watch a show. Hmm.... not sure where she picked that up??

*She's getting more and more interested in dressing and undressing herself. I'll tell her to get her shoes from her room, and she will actually bring out a matching pair.

*She's getting less cooperative at diaper changes, but is willing to let me change her if she can have her kids Bible to read. She does seem to be getting more interested in the potty. Again today, she pulled at her pants and asked me to take her into the bathroom to use her potty. We went through the routine, and although she didn't actually go, she seemed to happy to go through the motions.

Looking back to where we were 2 years ago, we are in awe of how much Hannah has changed our lives. She means the world to us, and we couldn't have been given a better gift. We wouldn't change a single moment. We are so blessed to have such a fun loving, happy little girl.

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