Sunday, February 21, 2010


We have now entered the "why" phase at our house. I don't know where or how this started, but this is Hannah's favorite word. I'm not totally convinced that she is even saying to be inquisitive. I sometimes think she just likes saying the word. Conversations typically go something like this:

Hannah (out of nowhere): "Why?"
Us: "Why what?"
Hannah: "Why?"
Us: "Why what?"
Hannah: "Why?"
Us (by this point, we randomly pick some topic to discuss): "Why are we getting dressed?"
Hannah: "Why?"
Us: "Because it's cold outside"
Hannah: "Why?"
Us: "Because it's winter"
Hannah: "Why?"
Us: "Because God gave us 4 seasons"

Usually by this point, she's satisified or something else has caught her attention. I wonder how long it will be before she starts figuring out that we really don't have all the answers. Until then, we'll just keep coming up with creative responses :-)

1 comment:

Tina said...

She will never figure out that we don't really have all the answers....mine still think I'm supposed to know, remember and think of EVERYTHING!