Sunday, October 18, 2009

19 months old

Hannah is now 19 months old and turning into a big girl more and more every day. Here's what she's up to:

*She wears 18 month clothes and a size 4 diaper.

*2 molars are now pretty well in and 2 more are well on their way.

*She is copying more and more of what we say. Among the words that we can actually distinguish, she's started saying water (wawa), hot, bye Dad, and breakfast (almost anyway).

*She is a little cleaner, just like Daddy. Give her a towel or washcloth and she'll scrub anything in sight.

*She is quite a singer. She is often heard singing to her own tune quite loudly from the backseat.

*When we empty her dirty diapers into the toilet and flush, she will lift the lid and wave bye bye - note: this is not a practice we are encouraging, but it is pretty darn funny!

*She loves to stack things, most of all the cans in my cupboard (again, something I try to redirect her away from and toward her own toys instead)

*She has learned to push her toy car up to the couch in order to climb up on her own. She is quite a little monkey.

*She is running everywhere and loves to be chased. She's discovered that if she takes JJ's toys, he'll follow her. She thinks this is hilarious. I think poor JJ just finds it annoying, but he's a good sport.

She is such a joy to have in our lives and makes us laugh every day. We are truly blessed to have such a special daughter!

1 comment:

Tina said...

The waving bye-bye when flushing the toilet will be a helpful ritual when potty training - it's coming soon, so don't forget!