Saturday, March 15, 2008

Baby story

Now that we've had a chance to catch up on phone calls and visitors, I've finally got a chance to post some details. Let's see. Where did I leave off...

I continued to 8 cm by about 8:00 or 9:00 but my contractions just weren't in a very good pattern, so they started me on pitocin. Since the baby did better when I laid on my left side, they kept me on that side for quite some time. Unfortunately, the epidural wore off on my right side, so I felt the contractions quite strong in my back on that side. Thankfully, they rolled me over, so it evened out and made the contractions much more bearable. They had me start pushing around 10:00. Jason was surprised that they let him watch the whole thing. They offered to let me watch in a mirror, but I opted to keep my eyes closed. Hannah made her entrance into the world at 11:07.

She's been a very content baby so far. She cried a few times after she was born, but when they laid her on my stomach, she calmed right down. For the first hour, she was very alert, but she's been sleepy ever since. I suppose that's what most newborns do. I'm just thankful that she's not crying up a storm (knock on wood!). Overall, it was a very good labor experience. Of course, I'm very sore and tired today, but it was all worth it! I know that all parents say this, but she really is a beautiful little girl. We feel very blessed.

Here are a few pictures:

1 comment:

Penny said...

Hannah is beautiful. Parenthood will be the toughest job you will ever love!! Congratulations, Penny