Oh my goodness, I look at this picture and see such a big boy. Even though he's growing up, he's still my baby :-) Here's what he's up to:
*He is trying to use his words more and more. I just wish I better understood them. Most of the time I can figure it out but if not, he can get very frustrated and throws himself into a tantrum. It is getting easier to communicate with him, though. He answers yes or no questions either with a head nod or shake with "yah" or "no, no, no."
*He tries to keep up with Hannah in everything that she does. He doesn't realize that he's 2 years younger and again gets very frustrated when he can't do whatever she's doing.
*He now tells me "poop" when he has a dirty diaper and needs a change. He's actually a bit oversensitive b/c he will tell me he needs a change when he's just passing gas.
*He tries very hard to get himself dressed.
*He still a big reader. His favorite is a race car book he got for Christmas, which we read many times a day.
*He is obsessed with milk! He will pull on the refrigerator door or open the dishwasher and ask for "mook" all day long.
*He says folds his hands and prays with us at dinner and folds his hands and "says" his own prayers at bedtime.
*Since Hannah now goes to Sunday school after church, we have started keeping Jack with us during church and putting him in the nursery during Sunday school while Jason and I do our Bible study. He does so well, usually only getting a little antsy toward the end of the service (knock on wood). In fact, several people have commented to us how good he is during church.
*He is now a stair master. We rarely have the gate closed anymore (only to prevent car rides down the stairs!)
*He plays Hide and Seek with Hannah and I. He will sit in the counting chair, close his eyes, "count" (ah, ah, ah, ah), and then come look for us. He's such a smart boy!
*He loves "The Wheels on the Bus", especially the "sh, sh, sh" verse.
We love this boy!!