These past eight months have flown by! Here's what our little guy is up to:
*He is moving everywhere. He's regularly up on his knees, rocking back and forth, and just yesterday I saw forward movement for the first time. Looks like we'll be getting the gate back out very soon.
*He babbles all the time. We hear lots of da-da-da and ya-ya.
*He gets very upset if we take things away from him, like his bottle or toys.
*He got his first tooth!
*He loves puffs! As soon as we put one on his tray, he snatches it right up. Sometimes they even make it to his mouth! If they do get into his mouth, he has a tendency to let them roll around in his mouth for quite awhile.
*Speaking of eating, I continue to make a lot of his baby food. What I don't make, he gets Earth's Best baby food. He really likes peas, applesauce, and bananas. He's not so crazy about green beans and spinach. He wants to take charge when he eats. He likes to grab the spoon and put it in his mouth. I think he ends up wearing more of it than gets in his mouth.
*He's not pulling himself up yet, but he stands supported pretty well when you put him on his feet.
*JJ is his best buddy. I don't know that JJ feels the same way, but he tolerates all the tugging very well.
Such a blessing!