Sunday, January 17, 2010


Hannah has been very into wearing hats. Tonight, she found Jason's hat...

and then she found her reflection in the window!


I think she's keeping the look.
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Show Season

Last year, we spent many winter weekends walking through the aisles of DeVos Place, catching glimpses of the seasons latest and greatest campers, boats, cars, etc. Jason has been eagerly awaiting this year's show season to kick off, which finally arrived this weekend. This afternoon, we headed downtown to check out the Camper and RV show. No, we have no interest in taking up camping, but Jason once again was eager to check out the vintage campers. Too bad we can only pull one toy at a time :-)

Hannah got into checking out all of the homes on wheels with Daddy.

Unfortunately, once Hannah got out of the stroller, she did not want to go back in, so she got a ride on Daddy's shoulders instead.
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22 months

Here we are already at 22 months. How is it possible that Hannah is only 2 months away from 2?!? Absolutely crazy! She is definitely growing up before our eyes. Here are a few of the things she's been up to lately:

*She is getting very good at repeating after us. Her words don't always come out exactly right, but you can tell she's definitely trying to say what we're saying.

*She loves to get herself dressed. She insists on putting on her own coat and mittens, although the coat tends to end up upside down and can only get on one mitten once she's gotten the other one on. She's very good at taking her clothes and shoes off as well.

*She's a very good little mama to her baby doll, rocking her, feeding her, brushing her teeth, kissing her, and tucking her in at night.

*She can be stubborn at times, particularly at diaper changing time. It is getting very difficult to get her to lay down for changes if she has made her mind up to NOT have her diaper changed.

*She is quite a singer. It's not uncommon to hear her singing her own tune from the backseat or even here at home.

*She is getting very good at saying her prayers, even initiating them on her own. One night, we said a quick prayer for Jason as he was on his way home from work on icy roads. After I finished, she then continued with her hands folded, jabbering away, finishing with her own "Amen."

*We've been making a point to ask her if her diaper is wet or stinky. She seems to be catching on a little bit, as she will repeat that she's "tinky" after us.

*She's still a great sleeper. She generally wakes up between 7:30 and 8:30 on days that I don't work, takes a 2-hour afternoon nap, goes to bed around 7:30. When we lay her down for the night, she almost always goes right to sleep.

We are so blessed to have such a fun, smart, loveable little girl. I pray that we soak up every moment with her, as I know that these days go by too fast.

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Half Way!

I have now made it to the half way point in my pregnancy! I can't believe that 20 weeks have already come and gone. This pregnancy is just flying by! Overall, I'm feeling pretty good. In the last 4 weeks, I've really noticed my belly growing. Baby boy is moving more and more. Jason has even felt some good kicks! My only discomfort is sore stomach muscles near my belly button. Must be where baby is stretching them out.

We've been talking a lot about the baby with Hannah. When we ask her where Mama's baby is, she'll now lift the bottom of my shirt and pat my belly. If you ask her where her baby is, she'll lift her shirt and pat her own belly! She's talking to her brother and giving him hugs, wrapping her arms around me and laying her head on my stomach. I hope that she's as tender and caring when the baby comes. Granted, I know from first-hand experience how brothers and sisters don't always get along, especially when they're younger, but I'm actually really excited for her to have a brother. I have an awesome brother, and I am blessed to have a great relationship with him now. I pray that Hannah and Baby Boy are blessed with that sort of special relationship, too.

20 weeks with Baby Boy
21 weeks with Hannah

Cleaning closets

Hannah decided to "help" clean out our coat closet this weekend...

(notice the shoes in the cradle)

In the process of purging, she found a nice, little seat.
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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Little Mama

Hannah got a baby doll for Christmas and has really taken to caring for her. Today, we brought up the doll cradle that my grandpa made for me when I was about her age, and she loved it! She's quite the little mama...

Just before I took this picture, Hannah swaddled her baby up in the blanket, wrapped her arms around her, folded her hands and said her "night night" prayers, completed by an "amen!"
Tucking baby in.

Shushing and rocking baby to sleep. Lately, every time we say the word "baby", Hannah puts her finger up to her mouth and says "shh". Not sure if that's b/c we need to be quiet around babies or b/c she thinks babies make too much noise??

Of course, giving baby a hug good night. I think I'm going to have quite a little helper when our baby comes!

Odds and ends

Since the new year has arrived, we've been enjoying a much quieter schedule around the Davis house. Here's a summary of what we've been up to:

We spent a quiet New Years Eve at home this year. Once again, we got out my grandma's China, nice glasses, and good silverware to enjoy a tasty candlelight dinner after Hannah went to bed. This year, we had steak with garlic mashed potatoes and homemade biscuits, followed by chocolate covered strawberries. (Don't worry, Hannah got "special" dinner of pizza before she went to bed.)

While I was upstairs getting the table ready, Jason and Hannah once AGAIN watched the choo choo movie (The Polar Express). Both Jason and I really like this movie, we were both a bit OD-ed on it by NYE.
After the new year, I began purging our closets. Hannah had fun "helping" me and modeling all that we'd be donating.
Hannah's gotten so goofy lately. I think this picture below was before her nap when I asked her if she was tired. Pictured is her response.

One of Hannah's favorite Christmas presents has been her Sesame Street CD. She starts doing this crazy dance every time we play it. Too funny!

One of the gifts we got Hannah for Christmas was a mini Magna doodle. She seems to really like it (but I also wanted an excuse to get a picture of her in this cute little dress).
After church today, I wanted to try to get a cute picture of Hannah in her Christmas dress. I never got any good ones over Christmas, and unfortunately, I didn't really get any good ones today either. Oh well.
She's definitely turning into a little trouble maker. No, standing is not allowed on our furniture, but of course I couldn't resist snapping a picture so I could capture the whole dress :-)
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