Tuesday, December 14, 2010

33 months

It hit me just the other day that Hannah is much closer to turning 3 than she was to being 2. Where has our little girl gone?? Time certainly flies, but we're definitely having fun. Here's what she's up to:

*She says the most funny things. A few of her most recent reflections:

  • "Don't have no clean house" she says as she wipes the floor with her washcloth. After she's done, she tells me "Now we have clean house."
  • "Grass is covered" she yells as she sees the first snowfall of the season. She then insists on putting on her winter coat and mittens.
  • "Catch it" she tells me. She then says "It's running" in reference to her nose!
  • Instead of answering yes, she's starting telling us "sure". Funny girl!

*There's lots of talk about Santa right now. She explains how Santa is going to land on the roof but he won't be able to get in through the door so we'll have to let him in, we have to leave milk and cookies out for Santa and sugar for his reindeer (something my mom always had us do when we were little) b/c they work hard on Christmas night, and that Santa will bring her presents when she poops on the potty (we're still working on this one).

*Speaking of potty training, it continues... She's 1/2 of the way there. However, she is afraid to poop on the potty, so we're struggling with that. Hopefully she will catch on soon that it feels better to NOT have poopy pants! We haven't even begun to think about sleep time. We'd just be happy with 100% fully trained during the day!

*She loves going to church nursery to play with her friends, but we're prepping her about how she'll be going to children's church with the big kids when she turns 3. We've started bringing her into the beginning of church with us for singing since children and worship kids get dismissed shortly into the service. She does all right, but usually after the first song she asks to go to the nursery. We're going to have to work on her attention span.

*She likes to sing and is finally starting to sing most of the lyrics to lots of songs. Among them include the ABC song, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Love the Little Children, and My Favorite Things. She has a captive audience in Jack, so he gets serenaded quite often.

*She really likes doing crafts. We've made several Christmas projects this season, including a reindeer and wreath out of outlines of her hands and a pipe cleaner Christmas tree. Stringing beads and sorting keep her occupied for quite awhile as well.

*She's getting better with identifying colors. She's very much into matching, especially with her clothes.

*She basically gets herself dressed every day. I usually give her 2 choices of shirts and she chooses the cooresponding matching pants and socks. She's getting better and better at choosing coordinates.

*She is a big helper. I let her "fold" and put away their clothes. She actually is a big help unloading the dishwasher. She's also getting better about putting her pj's away after she gets dressed.

*She likes to go outside and play in the snow, but she isn't too fond of sledding this year. Jason has taken her out a couple of times, and he's ended up riding down the hill solo. I'm sure she'll get her courage up again this winter and have fun once again zooming down the hill.

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