I'm finally feeling ready to bring the baby home. His clothes are all hanging neatly in the closet and folded in his dresser drawer. My awesome friend Sara let us borrow a TON of her little boy's clothes! It was so much fun to wash it all and get it ready for our baby. This past weekend, we bought a mattress for the baby's crib and, after much research, ordered our double stroller! I also packed my bag and Hannah's bag. Nesting perhaps??
Thankfully, I'm off of my feet at work much more than I was the last time, so swelling hasn't been nearly as bad. I do notice it a bit at night, but I can still fit into most of my shoes. Plus, with this nice weather, I've actually been able to wear flip flops and sandals on my days off. I think I've been more active throughout this pregnancy, thanks to chasing around a toddler and the beautiful weather we've had this spring. I think that definitely has helped me feel pretty good. I'm hoping that also helps put me into labor sooner rather than later! Sleep has been difficult, but I suppose that's just good practice for being up with a newborn in the middle of the night. My belly just continues to grow, which is great since I know our little guy is getting bigger, but also means my shirts are getting shorter. I will say, though, that the belly does make for a great shelf to set my (nearly) nightly bowls of ice cream :-) So the countdown begins. Come on baby!
36 weeks with Baby Boy
36 weeks with Hannah (Wow, I look pretty good there. Must have been after a special occasion!)
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