Don't worry, I'll take the belly ring out eventually. It's strange. Sometimes my stomach will feel like I've done a really hard ab workout b/c the muscles will feel sore. Trust me, though, I haven't done a single sit-up in close to 2 months! Must be another weird pregnancy thing. Will my body ever feel "normal" again???
So far, I feel like I've been doing pretty well. I didn't think that I have been too terribly hormonal (although Jason may beg to differ). However, last night I had my first breakdown. I felt fine all night, but when we went to bed I just started to cry. I had no idea why. I just felt like it. Where did this come from??? I DON'T CRY!! Poor Jason - he had no idea what was going on. I think he realizes that there is no use trying to come up with a logical explanation, so he just goes with it. Thank goodness for a patient husband!
Congratulations ! Just a note regarding your belly ring... if you want to keep it you can. Check out
Congratulations ! Just a note regarding your belly ring... if you want to keep it you can. Check out
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