Oh my, oh my do we have a 2 1/2 going on 13 year old on our hands these days. Here's the latest on Hannah:
*She is Miss Independent and likes to do everything on her own. If you help her with a task without asking, she will undo everything you've done and start over.
*Drama, drama, drama. She can spontaneously break into tears over the smallest thing without skipping a beat.
*She loves her brother. The first thing she asks in the morning is to kiss Jack. This morning when I went into get them up, they were both laying nearest each other in their cribs, and Hannah was "petting" Jack's head through the slats.
*She is learning her manners. She is getting very good at saying thank you and excuse me. We're still working on please, but she's getting it.
*Some of her common phrases are "Just mine." and "You carry it. I have full hands." (usually when I have an armload of stuff and she is carrying only a thing or two).
*Potty training is going all right. She is getting better at telling us when she needs to go.
*She gets herself mostly dressed, although from time to time we have flashbacks to Criss Cross from the 80's with her pants on backwards.
*She's really starting to develop an imagination. She likes to change her baby's diaper (including putting on her diaper cream), put her in her carrier, and put her in the grocery cart to go to the grocery store. She's also big on playing The Polar Express (surprise, surprise) and regularly tells me she lost her ticket.
*She got kicked out of her high chair now that Jack is using it, so she's eating with us at the table. We still need to get her a booster seat, so until then, she's on her knees.
*Now that it's getting dark out earlier, bedtime has moved back a bit. She's usually in bed by 7:30. Since it's also getting light out earlier, she's up around 7:30. She still takes an afternoon nap most days as well, although if she misses one from time to time she still does all right.
*She is a good eater most of the time, especially if we give her any sort of dip. She'll even eat raw onions!
*She loves to sing and is putting more and more lyrics together. Her favorites are Jesus Loves the Little Children (or Red, Black as she calls it), My Favorite Things (we regularly hear "so bad"), Do-Re-Me, and Jesus Loves Me.
*She really enjoys reading stories from her Bible. Her favorites are David and Goliath and Zaccheus. I think she likes these b/c I've also taught her the Sunday School songs about these stories that I learned when I was little.
It seems like in the past couple of months, Hannah has really transitioned from a toddler to a pre-schooler. She's grown up so much and is doing so many "big kid" things now. Time really does pass so quickly. We're thankful for every day with her!